Thursday, October 12, 2023

On BRAIN size


1 Timothy 4:8-9

King James Version

8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: 

but godliness is profitable unto all things, 

having promise of the life that now is, 

and of that which is to come.

9 This is a faithful saying 

and worthy of all acceptation.

Blame it on SPIRIT.

He created me childlike.

And perpetually curious.

Leading me to threads.

And ideas.

Which I pursue anyway.

Such as knowing the size of a rhino brain.

Which leads to more research on the human brain.

Which leads to more research on other animals' brains.

Which I must share with you now.

Just for comparative purposes:

rhino brain = 400 to 600 g

adult brain:

newborn baby = 350 to 400 g

adult male = 1300 to 1400 g

adult female = 1200 to 1300 g


killer whale = 6000 g

sperm whale = 9000 g

Remember how bullies call others "bird brain"?

Let's correct them.

Bird brain size may be small.

 (Heck, they're MUCH smaller than us).

But tiny brains have TONS of smartness.

Look to nature, and you'd know.

I actually do.

Birds make such lovely sounds, and have such playful natures.

The tiniest bird can dish out the shrillest, most powerful sound.

Reverberates throughout.

They're swift, smart, and sassy.

They're alert, alive, and awesome.

They represent fun, freshness, and freedom.

That's why GOD gave them wings.

I think I'll shift.

You can call me "bird brain" now.

More articles here.

Image: Clipart Library

EXPECT on inauguration

  Galatians 5:1 King James Version 5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty  wherewith Christ hath made us free,  and be not entangled again  ...